NIAB - National Institute of Agricultural Botany

Assay information: Vf_Mt2g105640_SSR001

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Narrative 85 SSR markers mined from Vicia faba "Albus" and V. faba "BPL10"
References NA
Map NA
Linkage Group unassigned
Chromosome unknown
cM position 0
Assay ID PCGIN_SSR_set
Assay Name Vf_Mt2g105640_SSR001
Reference Allele Sequences
Sequence ID Allele Phenotype
contig05981 106 NA
contig02584 116 NA
NA 118 NA
NA 120 NA
NA 123 NA
NA 126 NA
NA 128 NA
Polymorphism sequence GAA
Reference allele sequence alignment
Validation plot
Genotype data
Accession Name Other Ref Genotype call (with filter) Reference sample of known genotype
NV150 120
NV639 128
NV643 125
NV646 118
NV648 125
NV657 120
NV660 125
NV690 106
NV922 116
NV923 118